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Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2021 23:45:00 GMT

Sailing 2

     I suppose I should not just name each blog with a number and sailing or we'll have sailing 234 as a title. Ha Ha but for today this was our first sail completely alone. We were very pleased with ourselves! We went out of the Magothy heading east into the shipping channel, made a circle and came back with a light southerly wind and calm warm weather. Three were tons of boats on the bay. It seemed everyone was sailing. We averaged about 6 knots sometimes hitting 7.4 sometimes 4 as the land blocked the wind but it was a wonderful day.
     Earlier in the day we spent our time sorting doc lines, finding homes to stow everything and inventorying the boat. We also went shopping, started planning stops for our journey and cleaned up the boat. We are having troubles starting the engine due to an apparent dead battery but I think it's a switch issue. There is a switch on the electrical panel which allows for starting the engine on the battery or parallel with the engine battery and house battery. This is incase you have a dead battery. It is defaulted to the engine battery but it does not work unless you hold it in parallel or battery position. In the middle position it acts like it's not getting enough amperage and clicks. I think there is a charging issue or a switch issue but the voltage shows good. I'm still diagnosing it. Worst case we buy a new battery. This one is a little large and sits too wide for its tray.
Sailing Magothy
Grace Sailing Magothy

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