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Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2021 03:01:00 GMT


     Today in the morning we worked on the dingy motor getting it to idle correctly. This entailed a rebuild of the carb followed by extensive fiddeling with the mixture. Then we went for a test sail at about 1400 local. The sky was clear temp was in the mid 70's and winds were out of the west. We got back about 18:30. We sailed south for a couple hours then back north again. Then we worked on controlling reverse which is nearly impossible. On arriving back at the dock, things went much smoother. It was a beautiful day. Then in the evening after dinner we drained and re-filled the water tanks again in an effort to clean things out after a good sloshing on the water. There were lots of boats out sailing and we had a wonderful time. Hannah will be doing most of the steering and Sam and I are working the sails at the moment. Sam jumps off to the dock, Hannah throws lines and I steer when we are approaching the dock. Well folks we are getting closer and closer to being able to head south. Good night for now!

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