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Date:Thurs, 01 Oct 2021 23:10:00 GMT

Stinky Water

     Today we we went back to Bacon Sails and went hunting for parts and pieces. We found a few books, a hook for the table, and a teapot to match Hannah's stove and some rubber to seal the back hatch. They had new portholes but they were just a little small. We put the new rubber seal in the back porthole that goes to the cockpit. Then we turned on the water and it stank terrible.... we entered a new lower tank that had not been used in weeks and it smelled like sulpher. UGH... so we drained all the tanks and refilled them with clorinated water. We will let it sit for 24 hours and then tomorrow we will drain and refill again. Hannah made Chalah and we will do shabbat before dinner. We did a lot of reading and we will not be putting chlorine bleach in the tanks because they are stainless. Shabbat Shalom!

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