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Date:Thurs, 01 Oct 2021 00:21:00 GMT


     Today we went to get taps for stainless steel and then Sam and I re-tapped oversized the screw holes in the "tuff track" on the mast. We had worked on it yesterday and broke a tap. But today we used hss (high speed steel) taps from Fastenall. It was much easier and much faster with no broken taps. the hss taps cut nice little metal curls. Sam video'd our conversation and the tapping process. I was standing on the boom or sitting on it depending on which screw hole I was tapping. I have been wanting to finish this process for nearly a month now and finally got it completed. I'm not sure I want to continue with the tuff track but at the moment it's what we have. Then no matter how hard we tried I got some metal flakes on the deck and of course it ended up in my left foot. We went to good will and found two sets of shoes for Hannah and in the evening we went to a Military surplus store and Sam bought a blanket and a Gortex jacket. It was one of the best stocked surples stores I've seen. We are now getting ready to play Gin Rummy again tonight while eating chips and Humus with Ginger Beer. It's a beautiful evening.

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