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Date:Thu, 11 Nov 2021 13:42:27 GMT

Spreaders and Day sail

&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps; Yesterday morning Sam and Randy hauled me up the mast in the bosun's chair to check the spreaders and spreader lights. I had seen a missing screw and one of the lights was hanging loose. The port spreader has a couple rotten spots where screws were rotted out. It appears that the spreaders were not put on correctly. There were supposed to be three attachment bolts rather than two and only two were installed. The third was filled with silicone. Also wood screws were put in to attach the stainless shoe for the wooden spreader instead of bolting through as had been done originally. So I pushed out the old epoxy and silicone and put in 1/4 x2 inch bolts and bedded them. I will have to replace them as there is rot on the port side, pretty severe, and I would estimate that the strength of the spreader is reduced about 25% or so from the amount of the rot. I also put the screw for the spreader/deck lights so they wouldn't dangle. Then I tightened up the alternator belts on the motor and we went for a day sail. And of course murphy is still lurking. The chart plotter decided to turn off and not turn on again. We went anyway and had a wonderful sail on the Neuse river. We came back and went to dinner. There are pictures in the repair album of the spreader and me in the bosun's chair, but I'll post them here later. For now it's time for breakfast.
Looking out over the marina
Looking down over the stern
Looking down over the bow
This is why screws should be bedded (rot)
Shoe on the foot of the spreader. If I go with aluminum this will have to be replaced.

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