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Date:Sun, 7 Nov 2021 14:53:22 GMT

Early Morning Shock

&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps; Well, this morning at 4am ish I was awakened by the sound of the bilge pump... Not a good way to wake up. It gave me quite a scare. As it turns out a pipe burst and over 100 Gallons of water went into the bilge. The Bilge pump failed and would not pump and the battery box was full of water to the top covering the batteries. Apparently there is no drain to the battery box. I thnink they didn't want it to fill up if there was a hole in the bilge. But this was filled from the top. The pipe was where a hose was just clamped onto PEX with no fitting and only 1 clamp. So it just came apart. We drained by drilling a hole, then siphoned, and then finally sucked the last out with a wet dry vac. I was amazed the batteries didn't short out but we still had power. I was a bit loath to put my hands in the water. But we got it drained. Then we manually pumped out the bilge. After that we re-filled the water tanks and turned on the pmup to find the leak. High pressure water going everywhere. We could see it spraying but couldn't find it till we took the floor out of the aft head cupboard. Then we found the open hose and the pex going to the sink faucet. So looking through the hardware store we carry with us I found a bunch of old adapters and pieces of hose and pipe to hobble it together till I can get the propper fittings. But at this point, though not pretty, it is secure. We had previously known that the bilge pump might be going so today it will be replacing a bilge pump. I think we're going to buy a new pump and then rebuild the old one and keep it as a spare.

So all this during the storm and with Hannah and Mom coming this morning at 8am... Well, they are here now and we have had breakfast on Hannahs's cast iron pans! With the water so high it was nearly impossible to get on and off the boat. We are using one of our spare bumpbers as a step. My 84 year old mother just stepped on the spring line and climbed right up with no help before we even put out the bumper. Now the cat is a different thing. She is exploring every nook and cranny of the boat and I'm afraid she's going to find a way into the bilge...
I know it doesn't show but the battery box is full of water and overflowing
Pex and Hose disconnected can you find it in the dark at 4am? Turn on the water it helps!!
This should not be left like this... but it's solid.

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