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Date:Sat, 6 Nov 2021 21:51:29 GMT

Storm Coming

&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps; The last few days have just been repeats. polishing, caulking, cleaning up, working on sun covers, chasing head issues... normal stuff. Today we got out one of the sun covers and put it on sidewise to make a tent over the hatch like a tent/sun shade. Hopefully this will make it a tad warmer and also give us a way to get in and out of the hatch without being wet. Why? because there's a NorEaster coming tonight and with it 3 inches of rain and 45-50 knot winds. So I put out extra dock lines and made sure they were tied to pilings and not just little cleats on the dock. I also checked a few other boats for friends to make sure they were ok. The north wind brings water into the creek so the water is so high we can barely get on the boat and it is lapping on the bottom of the dock. It might be over the dock tonight. Sam is making dinner and Hannah is driving with Mom and Lilah from TN. They are planning on being here tomorrow late morning or early afternoon. Then we can finish preparing for Hannah's father to visit on Monday. It's raining already and the wind is singing through the rigging. The constant creaking of the lines as she rocks makes the boat sound like an old sailing ship. Kinda time machine like. But we are safe inside with the heater on, hatch closed and tied up as well as possible. Grace came with a lot of very large spare dock lines. It will be a nice evening and a fun storm.

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