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Date: Thur, 09 Dec 2021 04:59:46 GMT

More Leaks

     It rained today nice and hard and so we used the opportunity to find leaks. Only 1 new one! That's not bad for an old boat. As boats go this is a very very dry boat. We have 1 starboard portlight/window that needs to be re-bedded, two bolts side by side that need proper bedding on the cabin roof and the new one is the dorade over the kitchen. A couple of screws that hold the dorade to the cabin roof are not sealed correctly. Oh, and one of the deck boxes has a crack. But the only one that was new was the screws for the dorade.

However... that hose with the terrible emergency fix from when it filled the battery box with water... that one. Well as it turns out where the hose had been crushed over the pex it sprang a leak. When I put it over the hose barb after being crushed previously it decided to spring a leak and was spraying water again. This time however I caught it quickly and in digging through my spare parts found the proper fitting. A pex to 1/2 pipe fitting and a 1/2 pipe to 1/2 barb! wonderful! Anyway so that's fixed properly now. But of course it happened after dinner in the evening and I just finished. We also used the opportunity to tie down with wire ties the little valve that I had put on the exhaust raw water bilge drain. So two more items off the list.

When you fix something temporary you always generate more work. If there is any way it's best to do it right the first time. But years and years of just doing it 1/2 way has left everything to me now to fix. And of course it's 1 time to solve the emergency and then a couple days later do it again with the right parts. Ah well...
one hose done right but a rats nest to fix later

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