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Date:Tue, 07 Dec 2021 22:27:54 GMT

Engine work

     Today we put in cleaned/adjusted injectors. Then we put in the newly rebuilt raw water pump. The raw water pump has one of the 4 allen screws stripped. Someone previously just filled it with red rtv and hoped it would stay in. Two of the holes are wallowed out on the pump as well. The impeller was in really bad shape. After the work the engine started right up no problems. My water anti-siphon loop worked flawlessly and the drain worked well as well. There was a leak on the output of the transmission cooler so we tightened up the hose clamp. Now comes the bad news. We still have a knock on number three. So the likely hood is that we have a compression problem on 3 so that there is incomplete burn causing a knock. When we loosen the injector input the knock/rattle goes away. It's not a valve adjustment because we already did that and it's not the injector because it's new. We ran it up to 3000rpm and it starts to rattle somewhere at 2800. Under load we ran it up to 2000rpm and the knock on #3 is worse under load than without load. Then I flushed out the entire bilge and vacuumed out the water where it collects/sits on top of the grey water tank. So now we can start tracking water leaks again. But for now we have an engine again. The next step is check the compression and see if it's low on #3.

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