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Date:Fri, 03 Dec 2021 03:19:02 GMT

More Engine work

     Today we finished the exhaust anti-siphon by adding another length of hose. Then we put back the stairs and the wall behind them. In the evening I worked on the wifi repeater and set it up for the neighbors. As soon as my groove comes in I'll setup ours permanently. I want to pull the ethernet cable from the starboard lazarette to the navigation station. I think the wifi repeater should be inside the cabin not out by the auto pilot.

It was a beautiful 70 deg day today and sunny and the marina turned back on the water. So we could have filled the tanks but we are waiting till we run out. I want to see how long we can go on 200 gallons of water. At this point we are at 13 days.

I tied a rope to my feet with towels around the rope and Hannah and Samuel pulled me up inverted. We don't have an inversion table so this is the best I can do at the moment. I'm worried about my back.

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