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Date:Sat, 07 Sep 2024 13:22:00 GMT


Only in the DR

    Well something pretty funny happened this week. We were sitting in Astrid's resturant playing cards and though typically people bring their dogs today was different. A Cow just walked right in the door, wandered around for a bit and finally left. Then down the road she wandered. I've seen lots of cows on the roads from time to time but this is the first time I've seen one walk in a resturant!
New Guest in the Resturant

    As to other news we've been sitting around chatting with friends, eating beans and rice, trying new fruits, and enjoying the harbor, so nothing much is going on.

    If anyone is interested in coming here, We love it. So drinking water is $2 per 5 gallons delivered, a mooring is $100/month, Diesel is $6.00 per gallon, Bottom cleaning is about $2.00/foot, Eggs are fresh and about 15cents each Raw milk is available for about $3/gal. Fruit and vegitables are fresh local and cheap. Meat is not terrible cost wise and is local from local butchers. There is not much fish. Resturants are plentiful and the food is good. A typical dinner is about $10-15 and lunch about $7. Drinks are also very resonable. If you look around you can find lunch for $3 for a plate of meat and rice with vegis. Internet is difficult but possible with local wifi and cell towers. You can buy a plan for reasonable but it's not fast. However most people have starlink. If starlink knows you are in the DR it's about 2/3 the price of the US so that's a deal. Cell service is good but super expensive so keep your phone on airplane mode and use wifi calling. Most people use What's app to communicate.
Date:Mon, 02 Sep 2024 12:02:00 GMT


All is well, sorry

    I have been very remiss in not writing in the blog. I apologize.

    As to updates: To all those who have donated! Thank you so much! The end of last month was Wanda's 87th birthday and we went to a resturant/club called Astrid's here in Luperon and spent the day with other cruiser friends of ours. Astrid is from Austria so Mom had Gulash and Spaetzle We also had Schnitzle and Cordon Blu! I know that's an odd thing to get in a resturant in the Dominican Republic but if you ever come to visit it's excellent and extreemly authentic. It's the best german food I've had outside Europe.

    As to Rum Ration. The boat after purchase has been worked on. The engine was been repaired and it is now back at anchor. The engine required a complete rebuild. Raymond and Sonja are staying here in Luperon and have a little apartment. They are trying to start a business here with the money from the sale of the boat. I'm not sure if they will ever go back to boating. I think the entire experience was just too much for them. But they are putting the pieces of their life back together. It's going to be a long road I'm afraid. Thanks again to all those who helped them.

    We have been relaxing and enjoying the harbor, friends, the weather and the town. The weather is starting to cool just a little bit. The highest temprature we saw this summer was 93 and there's most always a breeze, but the wind dies at night so it can be pretty warm in the v-berth and Sam and Wanda sleep in the cockpit. Still, it was not nearly as hot as Marathon in August. We are making a lot of new friends here and we play D&D on thursdays, we play Yucher with So Much More, we go to variety shows at a club called New Amsterdam where Sam and Hannah go swimming in the afternoon as we have pizza. We spend Thursday evening at Las Velas at captians's table for drinks and dinner with the entire cruising community, and we do quite a bit of reading.

     We have settled into living aboard and it's going to be a chore to prepare the boat for sailing but current plans are to start heading back in November. Once again I'm sorry for not keeping the blog up better and I will get back on a regular schedule again. Have a wonderful labor day! It's also VJ day, programmers day, and International Chocolate day!

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