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Date:Wed, 27 Oct 2021 03:26 GMT

Water Heater

     Today was fix the hot water heater. The one that blew a seal previously. The seal came in and we installed it this evening. Even though I thought I had turned off the water entering into the heater it turns out that water was still leaking into it through the mixing valve that sets the temprature. So There was pressure on the gasket so that I couldn't get it open. Then when I finally got it loose it was spurting again and then dumped 5 gallons into the bilge setting off the bilge pump. The bilge pump then didn't work because it had been dry so long that it was not primed. Scared us as I thought we were going to have to buy a new bilge pump. But thankfully it finally primed after several minutes of convincing it. There I was head first into the bilge arms up to my elbows in bilge water trying to get the hose to get the pump to prime. Of course this is after dark by flashlight. Finally back to the hot water heater I managed to coax the heating element out of the hole, put the new seal on it and get it back together. I tightened it down but aparently not tight enough because it started spurting again scaring me a second time. A couple more turns on the wrench and it was set solid. It seemed to take forever to fill but fill it did and in about 15 min we had blazing hot water. Cleaning up so Hannah would have a floor before she got back with the laundry Sam and I got everything back together just in time. Oh and of course there is tape on the teak deck right where Hannah was coming in as we were caulking teak today so it was hard for her not to step on the new caulk but thanks to Sam's idea about surrounding the area we were working on with tape no one stepped on it. Hannah declared we had created a cat trap but no cat. And one more thing, the fish wind sock that we had was outside tied up waiting to be hoisted up the flag halyard but decided to go swimming with his other fish friends so we lost the pretty gold fish windsock. Oh well. It is a blustery evening and the boat is rocking for bedtime.

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