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Date: Thurs, 14 Oct 2021 22:59 GMT


     We got up and left Hospital point by 8:15. We were the second from the last sail boat out of the Anchorage. I did a little more diagnosis of the starting problem and I found that hte Balmar is never charging the house batteries unless you put the momentary parallel switch on. I'll look at it more when we get to North Carolina. We motored past all the docks where they are working on battle ships and aircraft carriers. It's pretty amazing. We were in a line between two Hinckley power boats and one of them asked us if it was a Bermuda 40 and we chatted for a moment as they passed us slowly. When we got to the Gilmerton bridge it was about 9:15 but they don't open till 9:30. We had to wait for two trains so we didn't get through till 9:50 or so. We continued on and went under I64 which is 65 feet. We were terrified. It was low tide but it looked like we were 2 inches below it. We were probably 5 feet below it but who knows... we went through really slow. Later we got the locks just before the Great Bridge and had a little confusion tieing up but got it in the end. We are still learning. We tied up on the south side of the bridge by the Museum where the first land battle of the Revolutionary war was fought.
After cleaning up we walked with our laundry abut .75 miles to the laundry mat and also a grocery store. Sam and I tried hoisting O-Malley on the deck to drain some water out after several days of rain. It worked just fine. Now we are having beans and rice and tortillas. We will get an early start tomorrow.
The Great Bridge

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