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Date:Sun, 28 Nov 2021 00:32:29 GMT

Zeus and Wifi

Today I got all tangled up with the BandG wifi-1 and connecting it to the zeus touch (t12) The wifi-1 says that it will do a combination wifi to the internet and lan to the touch so you can use an ipad to control the zeus touch and also connect to the internet at the same time. I though that I'd use the wifi-1 to be my boat wifi secondary router and the groove52 to be the long range connection. Well, the software on the T12 is too old to configure the wifi-1 with the combination remote control and internet at the same time, so I thought that I'd just configure the wifi-1 manually. It does have a web interface and it does have a command line interface. After a couple hours I was locked out and had to hard reset the wifi-1. It uses an old version of busybox (a small linux distribution for embedded systems). But it was from 2013 and the combination configuration was from a much later version of the wifi-1. I don't think it will work.

We spent the mid day cleaning up and re-organizing the boat and then later in the day Samantha and Nuckols dropped by for a visit. We had a nice time but Lila was not well behaved and scratch/hissed at Samantha. After they left we had soup, Gluwein, cinnamon and pie dough. Hannah is cooking down the turkey bones for broth and will make a Turkey and Dumplings tomorrow.

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