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Date:Tue, 23 Nov 2021 02:55:47 GMT

Makeshift Tent

Today we put the tent back up over the Doger and the wind is blowing cold out of the north. I oiled the grates in the cockpit again and decided to tackle the vacuum tank again. So I took some pictures of the tank and caulk so I could see better. And pressed on it a little so I could hear the leak. After several tries I think I have it stopped. The vacuum is so strong it sucked the wet caulk into the crack and so there were small holes in the caulk that I stuffed with more. But this time I let it dry before trying it and it seems to be holding. Previously it was holding for only about 5 minutes. So far it's been 30 min and still holding strong. YEA!!! It looks like a black caulky mess and I suppose I should have used 5200 but this time it will be removable. If this fails, I'll take the whole thing apart and 5200 it. It is supposed to get down to 29 tonight and be below freezing at night for the next 5 days or so. Hannah made bread today, two loaves, and we had fresh bread and a wonderful Stew! Well it's late and I want to get up early and get on the other projects so time for bed. Nite Nite.

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